Contoh Borang Hirarc

Mendokumentasikan hirarc 6 1 tanggungjawab dan akauntabiliti 6 2 proses dokumentasi 7.
Contoh borang hirarc. Norrazman zaiha bin zainol email. Safety at workplace hirarc kategori hazard kategori contoh fizikal tersusuk tertikam jatuh elektrikal wayar terdedah biologikal wabak kimikal toksid ergonomiks kerjaan berulangan psikososial stres oleh. Training appendix a 19 examples of workplace hazards appendix b 22. Senario 2 lampiran e contoh teknik.
Latihan lampiran a contoh hazard di tempat kerja lampiran b senarai semak contoh hazard di tempat kerja lampiran c borang hirarc lampiran d contoh mengisi borang. Borang hirarc 2016 kkp hirarc jha sop. Norrazman zaiha bin zainol email. Hirarc is one way to identify potencial hazard that accompany any type of job.
Which reads the provision and maintenance of plants and systems of work that are so far as is practicable safe and without risks to health. Damage to property iv. Department of occupatinal safety and health. The step begin with hazard identification risk assessement and risk control.
Pt indocement tunggal prakarsa tbk is located at mayor oking jaya atmaja citeureup bogor west java. Tarikh dokumen hirarc disediakan. Hazard identification and risk assessment in boiler division using hazard identification risk assessment and risk control hirarc article pdf available april 2017 with 13 780 reads how we. Tarikh borang hirarc disahkan diluluskan disediakan oleh kumpulan staf hirarc team minimum 3 orang yang terdiri daripada ketua makmal penyelia projek staf yang mengendalikan aktiviti kerja staf yang telah menghadiri latihan kursus hirarc hirarc team leader telah menjalani latihan hirarc.
Introduction to hirarc principles used in workplace to manage safety and health. Hirarc hirarc department of occupational safety and health guidelines for hazard identification risk assessment and risk control 6. Senario 1 contoh mengisi borang. Documenting hirarc 6 1 responsibility and accountability 16 6 2 documenting process 17 7.
Guidelines for hazard identification risk assessment and risk control. Combination of the likelihood and. Or combination of these what is a hazard. 21 2 2013 7 source or situation with potential for harm in term of.
Section 15 2 a of osha 1994. Contoh risk control 2. Damage to workplace environment v.